Cross-Attention is all you need: Real-Time Streaming Transformers for Personalised Speech Enhancement
Auteurs : Shucong Zhang, Malcolm Chadwick, Alberto Gil C. P. Ramos, Sourav Bhattacharya
Résumé : Personalised speech enhancement (PSE), which extracts only the speech of a target user and removes everything else from a recorded audio clip, can potentially improve users' experiences of audio AI modules deployed in the wild. To support a large variety of downstream audio tasks, such as real-time ASR and audio-call enhancement, a PSE solution should operate in a streaming mode, i.e., input audio cleaning should happen in real-time with a small latency and real-time factor. Personalisation is typically achieved by extracting a target speaker's voice profile from an enrolment audio, in the form of a static embedding vector, and then using it to condition the output of a PSE model. However, a fixed target speaker embedding may not be optimal under all conditions. In this work, we present a streaming Transformer-based PSE model and propose a novel cross-attention approach that gives adaptive target speaker representations. We present extensive experiments and show that our proposed cross-attention approach outperforms competitive baselines consistently, even when our model is only approximately half the size.
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