A Machine Learning system to monitor student progress in educational institutes

Auteurs : Bibhuprasad Mahakud, Bibhuti Parida, Ipsit Panda, Souvik Maity, Arpita Sahoo, Reeta Sharma

9 pages, 7 figures

Résumé : In order to track and comprehend the academic achievement of students, both private and public educational institutions devote a significant amount of resources and labour. One of the difficult issues that institutes deal with on a regular basis is understanding the exam shortcomings of students. The performance of a student is influenced by a variety of factors, including attendance, attentiveness in class, understanding of concepts taught, the teachers ability to deliver the material effectively, timely completion of home assignments, and the concern of parents and teachers for guiding the student through the learning process. We propose a data driven approach that makes use of Machine Learning techniques to generate a classifier called credit score that helps to comprehend the learning journeys of students and identify activities that lead to subpar performances. This would make it easier for educators and institute management to create guidelines for system development to increase productivity. The proposal to use credit score as progress indicator is well suited to be used in a Learning Management System. In this article, we demonstrate the proof of the concept under simplified assumptions using simulated data.

Soumis à arXiv le 02 Nov. 2022

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