Image Anomaly Detection and Localization with Position and Neighborhood Information

Auteurs : Jaehyeok Bae, Jae-Han Lee, Seyun Kim

Résumé : Anomaly detection and localization are essential in many areas, where collecting enough anomalous samples for training is almost impossible. To overcome this difficulty, many existing methods use a pre-trained network to encode input images and non-parametric modeling to estimate the encoded feature distribution. In the modeling process, however, they overlook that position and neighborhood information affect the distribution of normal features. To use the information, in this paper, the normal distribution is estimated with conditional probability given neighborhood features, which is modeled with a multi-layer perceptron network. At the same time, positional information can be used by building a histogram of representative features at each position. While existing methods simply resize the anomaly map into the resolution of an input image, the proposed method uses an additional refine network that is trained from synthetic anomaly images to perform better interpolation considering the shape and edge of the input image. For the popular industrial dataset, MVTec AD benchmark, the experimental results show \textbf{99.52\%} and \textbf{98.91\%} AUROC scores in anomaly detection and localization, which is state-of-the-art performance.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Nov. 2022

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