Impact of Business Analytics and Decision Support Systems on e-commerce in SMEs
Auteurs : Shah J Miah
Résumé : With the advancement in the marketing channel, the use of e-commerce has increased tremendously therefore the basic objective of this study is to analyze the impact of business analytics and decision support systems on e-commerce in small and medium enterprises. Small and medium enterprises are becoming a priority for economies as by implementing some policies and regulations these businesses could encourage gain development on an international level. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of business analytics and decision support systems on e-commerce in small and medium enterprises that investigate the relationship between business analytics and decision support systems in e-commerce businesses. To evaluate the impact of both on e-commerce the, descriptive analysis approach is adopted that reviews the research of different scholars who adopted different plans and strategies to predict the relationship between e-commerce and business analytics. The study contributes to the literature by examining the impact of business analytics in SMEs and provides a comprehensive understanding of its relationship with the decision support system. After analyzing the impact of business analytics and decision support system in SMEs, the research also highlights some limitations and provide future recommendations that are helpful to overcome these limitations.
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