Ranking Critical Tools in the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma as an Integrated Management System in Portugal

Auteurs : David Ferreira, Pedro Cunha

arXiv: 2212.00088v1 - DOI (q-fin.RM)
7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

Résumé : Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a comprehensive and powerful strategy for processes improvement and products. There is a cornucopia of tools for its implementation and 37 among them were selected to carry out an evaluation based on three factors, namely: Frequency of use of the tool, difficulty in implementing, importance and impact of the tool in the implementation of LSS. An online survey was conducted with Portuguese consultants and it included questions on the profile, and the companies they worked, as well as the degree of impact of the tools used. Consultants were asked to choose ten tools, ranking them in order of importance. The frequencies with which each tool had been cited were counted. A procedure was then developed to identify the know-how of consultants to establish a ranking of LSS tools. It was created an ordering list of tools, which emphasized in: Honshin Kanri, VOC, VSM. The results presented are particularly relevant when is considered the importance of understanding the requirements for a successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma management system in the organizations.

Soumis à arXiv le 30 Nov. 2022

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