Understanding stock market instability via graph auto-encoders

Auteurs : Dragos Gorduza, Xiaowen Dong, Stefan Zohren

Submitted to Glinda workshop of the Neurips 2022 conference Keywords : Graph Based Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Graph Autoencoder, Stock Market Information, Volatility Forecasting
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Understanding stock market instability is a key question in financial management as practitioners seek to forecast breakdowns in asset co-movements which expose portfolios to rapid and devastating collapses in value. The structure of these co-movements can be described as a graph where companies are represented by nodes and edges capture correlations between their price movements. Learning a timely indicator of co-movement breakdowns (manifested as modifications in the graph structure) is central in understanding both financial stability and volatility forecasting. We propose to use the edge reconstruction accuracy of a graph auto-encoder (GAE) as an indicator for how spatially homogeneous connections between assets are, which, based on financial network literature, we use as a proxy to infer market volatility. Our experiments on the S&P 500 over the 2015-2022 period show that higher GAE reconstruction error values are correlated with higher volatility. We also show that out-of-sample autoregressive modeling of volatility is improved by the addition of the proposed measure. Our paper contributes to the literature of machine learning in finance particularly in the context of understanding stock market instability.

Soumis à arXiv le 09 Déc. 2022

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