Vagus nerve manipulation and microglial plasticity in the prenatal brain

Auteurs : Marc Courchesne, Colin Wakefield, Karen Nygard, Patrick Burns, Gilles Fecteau, Andre Desrochers, Mingju Cao, Martin G. Frasch

arXiv: 2212.10362v1 - DOI (q-bio.TO)
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : The efferent and afferent effects of the vagus nerve on the developing brain have remained enigmatic. Here we review the evidence of such effects on microglial plasticity in the sheep model of human fetal development, one of the most recognized and deployed models of human fetal physiology. We show that vagotomy alters microglial phenotype and that this effect is hormetic under conditions of mild systemic inflammation, as may occur antepartum with chorioamnionitis. We present the methodology to assess not only biomarker-based microglial activation but also the morphometric features of the microglia. Together, these assessments provide a more comprehensive toolbox of glial phenotypical characterizations, especially in the context of investigating the locoregional vagal control of glial function. The presented findings support the earlier discoveries in preclinical and clinical models of adult physiology whereby vagotomy appeared neuroprotective for Parkinson disease, explained, at least in part, by the effects on microglia. In addition, we present the approach to measure and the findings on regional cerebral blood flow changes in relation to vagus nerve manipulation. In summary, the body of evidence underscores the importance of both the efferent and the afferent vagal pathways, via the vagus nerve, in the programming of microglial phenotype in the developing brain. The significance of these relationships for developing and treating early susceptibility to neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders in later life requires further studies.

Soumis à arXiv le 19 Déc. 2022

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