Contrastive Language-Vision AI Models Pretrained on Web-Scraped Multimodal Data Exhibit Sexual Objectification Bias

Auteurs : Robert Wolfe, Yiwei Yang, Bill Howe, Aylin Caliskan

ACM FAccT 2023
12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Nine language-vision AI models trained on web scrapes with the Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) objective are evaluated for evidence of a bias studied by psychologists: the sexual objectification of girls and women, which occurs when a person's human characteristics, such as emotions, are disregarded and the person is treated as a body. We replicate three experiments in psychology quantifying sexual objectification and show that the phenomena persist in AI. A first experiment uses standardized images of women from the Sexual OBjectification and EMotion Database, and finds that human characteristics are disassociated from images of objectified women: the model's recognition of emotional state is mediated by whether the subject is fully or partially clothed. Embedding association tests (EATs) return significant effect sizes for both anger (d >0.80) and sadness (d >0.50), associating images of fully clothed subjects with emotions. GRAD-CAM saliency maps highlight that CLIP gets distracted from emotional expressions in objectified images. A second experiment measures the effect in a representative application: an automatic image captioner (Antarctic Captions) includes words denoting emotion less than 50% as often for images of partially clothed women than for images of fully clothed women. A third experiment finds that images of female professionals (scientists, doctors, executives) are likely to be associated with sexual descriptions relative to images of male professionals. A fourth experiment shows that a prompt of "a [age] year old girl" generates sexualized images (as determined by an NSFW classifier) up to 73% of the time for VQGAN-CLIP and Stable Diffusion; the corresponding rate for boys never surpasses 9%. The evidence indicates that language-vision AI models trained on web scrapes learn biases of sexual objectification, which propagate to downstream applications.

Soumis à arXiv le 21 Déc. 2022

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