Wealth Redistribution and Mutual Aid: Comparison using Equivalent/Nonequivalent Exchange Models of Econophysics

Auteurs : Takeshi Kato

Entropy 2023, 25(2), 224
17 pages, 1 table, 7 figures
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Given the wealth inequality worldwide, there is an urgent need to identify the mode of wealth exchange through which it arises. To address the research gap regarding models that combine equivalent exchange and redistribution, this study compares an equivalent market exchange with redistribution based on power centers and a nonequivalent exchange with mutual aid using the Polanyi, Graeber, and Karatani modes of exchange. Two new exchange models based on multi-agent interactions are reconstructed following an econophysics approach for evaluating the Gini index (inequality) and total exchange (economic flow). Exchange simulations indicate that the evaluation parameter of the total exchange divided by the Gini index can be expressed by the same saturated curvilinear approximate equation using the wealth transfer rate and time period of redistribution and the surplus contribution rate of the wealthy and the saving rate. However, considering the coercion of taxes and its associated costs and independence based on the morality of mutual aid, a nonequivalent exchange without return obligation is preferred. This is oriented toward Graeber's baseline communism and Karatani's mode of exchange D, with implications for alternatives to the capitalist economy.

Soumis à arXiv le 31 Déc. 2022

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