FATE in AI: Towards Algorithmic Inclusivity and Accessibility

Auteurs : Isa Inuwa-Dutse

20 pages, 4 figures, 7 Tables
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : One of the defining phenomena in this age is the widespread deployment of systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. With AI taking the center stage, many sections of society are being affected directly or indirectly by algorithmic decisions. Algorithmic decisions carry both economical and personal implications which have brought about the issues of fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics (FATE) in AI geared towards addressing algorithmic disparities. Ethical AI deals with incorporating moral behaviour to avoid encoding bias in AI's decisions. However, the present discourse on such critical issues is being shaped by the more economically developed countries (MEDC), which raises concerns regarding neglecting local knowledge, cultural pluralism and global fairness. This study builds upon existing research on responsible AI, with a focus on areas in the Global South considered to be under-served vis-a-vis AI. Our goal is two-fold (1) to assess FATE-related issues and the effectiveness of transparency methods and (2) to proffer useful insights and stimulate action towards bridging the accessibility and inclusivity gap in AI. Using ads data from online social networks, we designed a user study (n=43) to achieve the above goals. Among the findings from the study include: explanations about decisions reached by the AI systems tend to be vague and less informative. To bridge the accessibility and inclusivity gap, there is a need to engage with the community for the best way to integrate fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics in AI. This will help in empowering the affected community or individual to effectively probe and police the growing application of AI-powered systems.

Soumis à arXiv le 03 Jan. 2023

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