What is in a Text-to-Image Prompt: The Potential of Stable Diffusion in Visual Arts Education
Auteurs : Nassim Dehouche, Kullathida Dehouche
Résumé : Text-to-Image artificial intelligence (AI) recently saw a major breakthrough with the release of Dall-E and its open-source counterpart, Stable Diffusion. These programs allow anyone to create original visual art pieces by simply providing descriptions in natural language (prompts). Using a sample of 72,980 Stable Diffusion prompts, we propose a formalization of this new medium of art creation and assess its potential for teaching the history of art, aesthetics, and technique. Our findings indicate that text-to-Image AI has the potential to revolutionize the way art is taught, offering new, cost-effective possibilities for experimentation and expression. However, it also raises important questions about the ownership of artistic works. As more and more art is created using these programs, it will be crucial to establish new legal and economic models to protect the rights of artists.
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