Human-Machine Collaboration for Smart Decision Making: Current Trends and Future Opportunities
Auteurs : Baocheng Geng, Pramod K. Varshney
Résumé : Recently, modeling of decision making and control systems that include heterogeneous smart sensing devices (machines) as well as human agents as participants is becoming an important research area due to the wide variety of applications including autonomous driving, smart manufacturing, internet of things, national security, and healthcare. To accomplish complex missions under uncertainty, it is imperative that we build novel human machine collaboration structures to integrate the cognitive strengths of humans with computational capabilities of machines in an intelligent manner. In this paper, we present an overview of the existing works on human decision making and human machine collaboration within the scope of signal processing and information fusion. We review several application areas and research domains relevant to human machine collaborative decision making. We also discuss current challenges and future directions in this problem domain.
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