From Robots to Books: An Introduction to Smart Applications of AI in Education (AIEd)

Auteurs : Shubham Ojha, Aditya Narendra, Siddharth Mohapatra, Ipsit Misra

In Preparation for Conference Submission, 9 Pages, 5 Tables, 1 Figure

Résumé : The world around us has undergone a radical transformation due to rapid technological advancement in recent decades. The industry of the future generation is evolving, and artificial intelligence is the following change in the making popularly known as Industry 4.0. Indeed, experts predict that artificial intelligence(AI) will be the main force behind the following significant virtual shift in the way we stay, converse, study, live, communicate and conduct business. All facets of our social connection are being transformed by this growing technology. One of the newest areas of educational technology is Artificial Intelligence in the field of Education(AIEd).This study emphasizes the different applications of artificial intelligence in education from both an industrial and academic standpoint. It highlights the most recent contextualized learning novel transformative evaluations and advancements in sophisticated tutoring systems. It analyses the AIEd's ethical component and the influence of the transition on people, particularly students and instructors as well. Finally, this article touches on AIEd's potential future research and practices. The goal of this study is to introduce the present-day applications to its intended audience.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Jan. 2023

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