Vision-Based Estimation of Small Body Rotational State during the Approach Phase

Auteurs : Paolo Panicucci, Jérémy Lebreton, Roland Brochard, Emmanuel Zenou, Michel Delpech

arXiv: 2302.11364v1 - DOI (astro-ph.EP)
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The heterogeneity of the small body population complicates the prediction of the small body properties before the spacecraft's arrival. In the context of autonomous small body exploration, it is crucial to develop algorithms that estimate the small body characteristics before orbit insertion and close proximity operations. This paper develops a vision-based estimation of the small-body rotational state (i.e., the center of rotation and rotation axis direction) during the approach phase. In this mission phase, the spacecraft observes the celestial body rotating and tracks features in images. As feature tracks are the projection of landmarks' circular movement, the possible rotation axes are computed. Then, the rotation axis solution is chosen among the possible candidates by exploiting feature motion and a heuristic approach. Finally, the center of rotation is estimated from the center of brightness. The algorithm is tested on more than 800 test cases with two different asteroids (i.e., Bennu and Itokawa), three different lighting conditions, and more than 100 different rotation axis orientations. Results show that the rotation axis can be determined with limited error in most cases implying that the proposed algorithm is a valuable method for autonomous small body characterization.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Fév. 2023

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