Strong-coupling magnetophononics: Self-blocking, phonon-bitriplons, and spin-band engineering
Auteurs : M. Yarmohammadi, M. Krebs, G. S. Uhrig, B. Normand
Résumé : Magnetophononics, the modulation of magnetic interactions by driving infrared-active lattice excitations, is emerging as a key mechanism for the ultrafast dynamical control of both semiclassical and quantum spin systems by coherent light. We demonstrate that, in a quantum magnet with strong spin-phonon coupling, resonances between the driven phonon and the spin excitation frequencies exhibit an intrinsic self-blocking effect, whereby only a fraction of the available laser power is absorbed by the phonon. Using the quantum master equations governing the nonequilibrium steady states of the coupled spin-lattice system, we show how self-blocking arises from the self-consistent alteration of the resonance frequencies. We link this to the appearance of mutually repelling collective spin-phonon states, which in the regime of strong hybridization become composites of a phonon and two triplons. We then identify the mechanism and optimal phonon frequencies by which to control a global nonequilibrium renormalization of the lattice-driven spin excitation spectrum and demonstrate that this effect should be observable in ultrafast THz experiments on a number of known quantum magnetic materials.
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