Legs as Manipulator: Pushing Quadrupedal Agility Beyond Locomotion

Auteurs : Xuxin Cheng, Ashish Kumar, Deepak Pathak

Accepted at ICRA 2023. Videos at https://robot-skills.github.io

Résumé : Locomotion has seen dramatic progress for walking or running across challenging terrains. However, robotic quadrupeds are still far behind their biological counterparts, such as dogs, which display a variety of agile skills and can use the legs beyond locomotion to perform several basic manipulation tasks like interacting with objects and climbing. In this paper, we take a step towards bridging this gap by training quadruped robots not only to walk but also to use the front legs to climb walls, press buttons, and perform object interaction in the real world. To handle this challenging optimization, we decouple the skill learning broadly into locomotion, which involves anything that involves movement whether via walking or climbing a wall, and manipulation, which involves using one leg to interact while balancing on the other three legs. These skills are trained in simulation using curriculum and transferred to the real world using our proposed sim2real variant that builds upon recent locomotion success. Finally, we combine these skills into a robust long-term plan by learning a behavior tree that encodes a high-level task hierarchy from one clean expert demonstration. We evaluate our method in both simulation and real-world showing successful executions of both short as well as long-range tasks and how robustness helps confront external perturbations. Videos at https://robot-skills.github.io

Soumis à arXiv le 20 Mar. 2023

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