The LAVA Model: Learning Analytics Meets Visual Analytics

Auteurs : Mohamed Amine Chatti, Arham Muslim, Manpriya Guliani, Mouadh Guesmi

In D. Ifenthaler & D. Gibson (Eds.), Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching (pp. 71-93). Cham: Springer
Licence : CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Résumé : Human-Centered learning analytics (HCLA) is an approach that emphasizes the human factors in learning analytics and truly meets user needs. User involvement in all stages of the design, analysis, and evaluation of learning analytics is the key to increase value and drive forward the acceptance and adoption of learning analytics. Visual analytics is a multidisciplinary data science research field that follows a human-centered approach and thus has the potential to foster the acceptance of learning analytics. Although various domains have already made use of visual analytics, it has not been considered much with respect to learning analytics. This paper explores the benefits of incorporating visual analytics concepts into the learning analytics process by (a) proposing the Learning Analytics and Visual Analytics (LAVA) model as enhancement of the learning analytics process with human in the loop, (b) applying the LAVA model in the Open Learning Analytics Platform (OpenLAP) to support humancentered indicator design, and (c) evaluating how blending learning analytics and visual analytics can enhance the acceptance and adoption of learning analytics, based on the technology acceptance model (TAM).

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Mar. 2023

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