Science opportunities with solar sailing smallsats

Auteurs : Slava G. Turyshev, Darren Garber, Louis D. Friedman, Andreas M. Hein, Nathan Barnes, Konstantin Batygin, Michael E. Brown, Leroy Cronin, Artur Davoyan, Amber Dubill, Sarah Gibson, Donald M. Hassler, Noam R. Izenberg, Pierre Kervella, Philip D. Mauskopf, Neil Murphy, Andrew Nutter, Carolyn Porco, Dario Riccobono, James Schalkwyk, Kevin B. Stevenson, Mark V. Sykes, Mahmooda Sultana, Viktor T. Toth, Marco Velli, S. Pete Worden

arXiv: 2303.14917v1 - DOI (astro-ph.EP)
34 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables

Résumé : Recently, we witnessed how the synergy of small satellite technology and solar sailing propulsion enables new missions. Together, small satellites with lightweight instruments and solar sails offer affordable access to deep regions of the solar system, also making it possible to realize hard-to-reach trajectories that are not constrained to the ecliptic plane. Combining these two technologies can drastically reduce travel times within the solar system, while delivering robust science. With solar sailing propulsion capable of reaching the velocities of ~5-10 AU/yr, missions using a rideshare launch may reach the Jovian system in two years, Saturn in three. The same technologies could allow reaching solar polar orbits in less than two years. Fast, cost-effective, and maneuverable sailcraft that may travel outside the ecliptic plane open new opportunities for affordable solar system exploration, with great promise for heliophysics, planetary science, and astrophysics. Such missions could be modularized to reach different destinations with different sets of instruments. Benefiting from this progress, we present the "Sundiver" concept, offering novel possibilities for the science community. We discuss some of the key technologies, the current design of the Sundiver sailcraft vehicle and innovative instruments, along with unique science opportunities that these technologies enable, especially as this exploration paradigm evolves. We formulate policy recommendations to allow national space agencies, industry, and other stakeholders to establish a strong scientific, programmatic, and commercial focus, enrich and deepen the space enterprise and broaden its advocacy base by including the Sundiver paradigm as a part of broader space exploration efforts.

Soumis à arXiv le 27 Mar. 2023

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