Pedestrian Behavior Interacting with Autonomous Vehicles: Role of AV Operation and Signal Indication and Roadway Infrastructure
Auteurs : Fengjiao Zou, Jennifer Ogle, Weimin Jin, Patrick Gerard, Daniel Petty, Andrew Robb
Résumé : Interacting with pedestrians is challenging for Autonomous vehicles (AVs). This study evaluates how AV operations /associated signaling and roadway infrastructure affect pedestrian behavior in virtual reality. AVs were designed with different operations and signal indications, including negotiating with no signal, negotiating with a yellow signal, and yellow/blue negotiating/no-yield indications. Results show that AV signal significantly impacts pedestrians' accepted gap, walking time, and waiting time. Pedestrians chose the largest open gap between cars with AV showing no signal, and had the slowest crossing speed with AV showing a yellow signal indication. Roadway infrastructure affects pedestrian walking time and waiting time.
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