Enlarging Instance-specific and Class-specific Information for Open-set Action Recognition

Auteurs : Jun Cen, Shiwei Zhang, Xiang Wang, Yixuan Pei, Zhiwu Qing, Yingya Zhang, Qifeng Chen

To appear at CVPR2023
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Open-set action recognition is to reject unknown human action cases which are out of the distribution of the training set. Existing methods mainly focus on learning better uncertainty scores but dismiss the importance of feature representations. We find that features with richer semantic diversity can significantly improve the open-set performance under the same uncertainty scores. In this paper, we begin with analyzing the feature representation behavior in the open-set action recognition (OSAR) problem based on the information bottleneck (IB) theory, and propose to enlarge the instance-specific (IS) and class-specific (CS) information contained in the feature for better performance. To this end, a novel Prototypical Similarity Learning (PSL) framework is proposed to keep the instance variance within the same class to retain more IS information. Besides, we notice that unknown samples sharing similar appearances to known samples are easily misclassified as known classes. To alleviate this issue, video shuffling is further introduced in our PSL to learn distinct temporal information between original and shuffled samples, which we find enlarges the CS information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed PSL can significantly boost both the open-set and closed-set performance and achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/Jun-CEN/PSL.

Soumis à arXiv le 25 Mar. 2023

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