Knowledge Enhanced Graph Neural Networks

Auteurs : Luisa Werner (TYREX, UGA), Nabil Layaïda (LIG, TYREX), Pierre Genevès (TYREX, CNRS), Sarah Chlyah (TYREX)

Résumé : Graph data is omnipresent and has a large variety of applications such as natural science, social networks or semantic web. Though rich in information, graphs are often noisy and incomplete. Therefore, graph completion tasks such as node classification or link prediction have gained attention. On the one hand, neural methods such as graph neural networks have proven to be robust tools for learning rich representations of noisy graphs. On the other hand, symbolic methods enable exact reasoning on graphs. We propose KeGNN, a neuro-symbolic framework for learning on graph data that combines both paradigms and allows for the integration of prior knowledge into a graph neural network model. In essence, KeGNN consists of a graph neural network as a base on which knowledge enhancement layers are stacked with the objective of refining predictions with respect to prior knowledge. We instantiate KeGNN in conjunction with two standard graph neural networks: Graph Convolutional Networks and Graph Attention Networks, and evaluate KeGNN on multiple benchmark datasets for node classification.

Soumis à arXiv le 27 Mar. 2023

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