When Brain-inspired AI Meets AGI

Auteurs : Lin Zhao, Lu Zhang, Zihao Wu, Yuzhong Chen, Haixing Dai, Xiaowei Yu, Zhengliang Liu, Tuo Zhang, Xintao Hu, Xi Jiang, Xiang Li, Dajiang Zhu, Dinggang Shen, Tianming Liu

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has been a long-standing goal of humanity, with the aim of creating machines capable of performing any intellectual task that humans can do. To achieve this, AGI researchers draw inspiration from the human brain and seek to replicate its principles in intelligent machines. Brain-inspired artificial intelligence is a field that has emerged from this endeavor, combining insights from neuroscience, psychology, and computer science to develop more efficient and powerful AI systems. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of brain-inspired AI from the perspective of AGI. We begin with the current progress in brain-inspired AI and its extensive connection with AGI. We then cover the important characteristics for both human intelligence and AGI (e.g., scaling, multimodality, and reasoning). We discuss important technologies toward achieving AGI in current AI systems, such as in-context learning and prompt tuning. We also investigate the evolution of AGI systems from both algorithmic and infrastructural perspectives. Finally, we explore the limitations and future of AGI.

Soumis à arXiv le 28 Mar. 2023

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