On The Planetary Theory of Everything
Auteurs : J. J. Charfman Jr., M. M. M., J. Dietrich, N. T. Schragal, A. M. Avsar
Résumé : Here, we present a simple solution to problems that have plagued (extra)"galactic" astronomers and cosmologists over the last century. We show that "galaxy" formation, dark matter, and the tension in the expansion of the universe can all be explained by the natural behaviors of an overwhelmingly large population of exoplanets throughout the universe. Some of these ideas have started to be proposed in the literature, and we commend these pioneers revolutionizing our understanding of astrophysics. Furthermore, we assert that, since planets are obviously the ubiquitous answer to every current question that can be posed by astronomers, planetary science must then be the basis for all science, and therefore that all current funding for science be reserved for (exo)planetary science - we happily welcome all astronomers and other scientists.
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