Nuggets of Wisdom: Determining an Upper Limit on the Number Density of Chickens in the Universe
Auteurs : Rachel Losacco, Zachary Claytor
Résumé : The lower limit on the chicken density function (CDF) of the observable Universe was recently determined to be approximately 10$^{-21}$ chickens pc$^{-3}$. For over a year, however, the scientific community has struggled to determine the upper limit to the CDF. Here we aim to determine a reasonable upper limit to the CDF using multiple observational constraints. We take a holistic approach to considering the effects of a high CDF in various domains, including the Solar System, interstellar medium, and effects on the cosmic microwave background. We find the most restrictive upper limit from the domains considered to be 10$^{23}$ pc$^{-3}$, which ruffles the feathers of long-standing astrophysics theory.
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