DARKSIDE: A Heterogeneous RISC-V Compute Cluster for Extreme-Edge On-Chip DNN Inference and Training
Auteurs : Angelo Garofalo, Yvan Tortorella, Matteo Perotti, Luca Valente, Alessandro Nadalini, Luca Benini, Davide Rossi, Francesco Conti
Résumé : On-chip DNN inference and training at the Extreme-Edge (TinyML) impose strict latency, throughput, accuracy and flexibility requirements. Heterogeneous clusters are promising solutions to meet the challenge, combining the flexibility of DSP-enhanced cores with the performance and energy boost of dedicated accelerators. We present DARKSIDE, a System-on-Chip with a heterogeneous cluster of 8 RISC-V cores enhanced with 2-b to 32-b mixed-precision integer arithmetic. To boost performance and efficiency on key compute-intensive Deep Neural Network (DNN) kernels, the cluster is enriched with three digital accelerators: a specialized engine for low-data-reuse depthwise convolution kernels (up to 30 MAC/cycle); a minimal overhead datamover to marshal 1-b to 32-b data on-the-fly; a 16-b floating point Tensor Product Engine (TPE) for tiled matrix-multiplication acceleration. DARKSIDE is implemented in 65nm CMOS technology. The cluster achieves a peak integer performance of 65 GOPS and a peak efficiency of 835 GOPS/W when working on 2-b integer DNN kernels. When targeting floating-point tensor operations, the TPE provides up to 18.2 GFLOPS of performance or 300 GFLOPS/W of efficiency - enough to enable on-chip floating-point training at competitive speed coupled with ultra-low power quantized inference.
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