Improving of Robotic Virtual Agent's errors that are accepted by reaction and human's preference

Auteurs : Takahiro Tsumura, Seiji Yamada

13 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, submitted ICSR2023. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2206.06128

Résumé : One way to improve the relationship between humans and anthropomorphic agents is to have humans empathize with the agents. In this study, we focused on a task between an agent and a human in which the agent makes a mistake. To investigate significant factors for designing a robotic agent that can promote humans empathy, we experimentally examined the hypothesis that agent reaction and human's preference affect human empathy and acceptance of the agent's mistakes. The experiment consisted of a four-condition, three-factor mixed design with agent reaction, selected agent's body color for human's preference, and pre- and post-task as factors. The results showed that agent reaction and human's preference did not affect empathy toward the agent but did allow the agent to make mistakes. It was also shown that empathy for the agent decreased when the agent made a mistake on the task. The results of this study provide a way to control impressions of the robotic virtual agent's behaviors, which are increasingly used in society.

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Avr. 2023

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