Updated Planetary Mass Constraints of the Young V1298 Tau System Using MAROON-X

Auteurs : James Sikora, Jason Rowe, Saugata Barat, Jacob L. Bean, Madison Brady, Jean-Michel Désert, Adina D. Feinstein, Emily A. Gilbert, Gregory Henry, David Kasper, Déreck-Alexandre Lizotte, Michael R. B. Matesic, Vatsal Panwar, Andreas Seifahrt, Hinna Shivkumar, Gudmundur Stefánsson, Julian Stürmer

arXiv: 2304.00797v1 - DOI (astro-ph.EP)
18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in AJ
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The early K-type T-Tauri star, V1298 Tau ($V=10\,{\rm mag}$, ${\rm age}\approx20-30\,{\rm Myr}$) hosts four transiting planets with radii ranging from $4.9-9.6\,R_\oplus$. The three inner planets have orbital periods of $\approx8-24\,{\rm d}$ while the outer planet's period is poorly constrained by single transits observed with \emph{K2} and \emph{TESS}. Planets b, c, and d are proto-sub-Neptunes that may be undergoing significant mass loss. Depending on the stellar activity and planet masses, they are expected to evolve into super-Earths/sub-Neptunes that bound the radius valley. Here we present results of a joint transit and radial velocity (RV) modelling analysis, which includes recently obtained \emph{TESS} photometry and MAROON-X RV measurements. Assuming circular orbits, we obtain a low-significance ($\approx2\sigma$) RV detection of planet c implying a mass of $19.8_{-8.9}^{+9.3}\,M_\oplus$ and a conservative $2\sigma$ upper limit of $<39\,M_\oplus$. For planets b and d, we derive $2\sigma$ upper limits of $M_{\rm b}<159\,M_\oplus$ and $M_{\rm d}<41\,M_\oplus$. For planet e, plausible discrete periods of $P_{\rm e}>55.4\,{\rm d}$ are ruled out at a $3\sigma$ level while seven solutions with $43.3<P_{\rm e}/{\rm d}<55.4$ are consistent with the most probable $46.768131\pm000076\,{\rm d}$ solution within $3\sigma$. Adopting the most probable solution yields a $2.6\sigma$ RV detection with mass a of $0.66\pm0.26\,M_{\rm Jup}$. Comparing the updated mass and radius constraints with planetary evolution and interior structure models shows that planets b, d, and e are consistent with predictions for young gas-rich planets and that planet c is consistent with having a water-rich core with a substantial ($\sim5\%$ by mass) H$_2$ envelope.

Soumis à arXiv le 03 Avr. 2023

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