LLM-Adapters: An Adapter Family for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Auteurs : Zhiqiang Hu, Yihuai Lan, Lei Wang, Wanyu Xu, Ee-Peng Lim, Roy Ka-Wei Lee, Lidong Bing, Soujanya Poria

Technical Report. The code of our framework can be found at https://github.com/AGI-Edgerunners/LLM-Adapters. We will keep all of the code open-source and continue to update the framework with new adapters, LLMs, and tasks
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The success of large language models (LLMs), like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, has led to the development of numerous cost-effective and accessible alternatives that are created by fine-tuning open-access LLMs with task-specific data (e.g., ChatDoctor) or instruction data (e.g., Alpaca). Among the various fine-tuning methods, adapter-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is undoubtedly one of the most attractive topics, as it only requires fine-tuning a few external parameters instead of the entire LLMs while achieving comparable or even better performance. To enable further research on PEFT methods of LLMs, this paper presents LLM-Adapters, an easy-to-use framework that integrates various adapters into LLMs and can execute these adapter-based PEFT methods of LLMs for different tasks. The framework includes state-of-the-art open-access LLMs such as LLaMA, BLOOM, OPT, and GPT-J, as well as widely used adapters such as Series adapter, Parallel adapter, and LoRA. The framework is designed to be research-friendly, efficient, modular, and extendable, allowing the integration of new adapters and the evaluation of them with new and larger-scale LLMs. Furthermore, to evaluate the effectiveness of adapters in LLMs-Adapters, we conduct experiments on six math reasoning datasets. The results demonstrate that using adapter-based PEFT in smaller-scale LLMs (7B) with few extra trainable parameters yields comparable, and in some cases superior, performance to that of powerful LLMs (175B) in zero-shot inference on simple math reasoning datasets. Overall, we provide a promising framework for fine-tuning large LLMs on downstream tasks. We believe the proposed LLMs-Adapters will advance adapter-based PEFT research, facilitate the deployment of research pipelines, and enable practical applications to real-world systems.

Soumis à arXiv le 04 Avr. 2023

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