Polarization aberrations in next-generation giant segmented mirror telescopes (GSMTs) I. Effect on the coronagraphic performance

Auteurs : Ramya M. Anche, Jaren N. Ashcraft, Sebastiaan Y. Haffert, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Ewan S. Douglas, Frans Snik, Grant Williams, Rob G. van Holstein, David Doelman, Kyle Van Gorkom, Warren Skidmore

A&A 672, A121 (2023)
arXiv: 2304.02079v1 - DOI (astro-ph.IM)
18 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aa45651-22
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Next-generation large segmented mirror telescopes are expected to perform direct imaging and characterization of Earth-like rocky planets, which requires contrast limits of $10^{-7}$ to $10^{-8}$ at wavelengths from I to J band. One critical aspect affecting the raw on-sky contrast are polarization aberrations arising from the reflection from the telescope's mirror surfaces and instrument optics. We simulate the polarization aberrations and estimate their effect on the achievable contrast for three next-generation ground-based large segmented mirror telescopes. We performed ray-tracing in Zemax and computed the polarization aberrations and Jones pupil maps using the polarization ray-tracing algorithm. The impact of these aberrations on the contrast is estimated by propagating the Jones pupil maps through a set of idealized coronagraphs using hcipy, a physical optics-based simulation framework. The optical modeling of the giant segmented mirror telescopes (GSMTs) shows that polarization aberrations create significant leakage through a coronagraphic system. The dominant aberration is retardance defocus, which originates from the steep angles on the primary and secondary mirrors. The retardance defocus limits the contrast to $10^{-5}$ to $10^{-4}$ at 1 $\lambda/D$ at visible wavelengths, and $10^{-5}$ to $10^{-6}$ at infrared wavelengths. The simulations also show that the coating plays a major role in determining the strength of the aberrations. Polarization aberrations will need to be considered during the design of high-contrast imaging instruments for the next generation of extremely large telescopes. This can be achieved either through compensation optics, robust coronagraphs, specialized coatings, calibration, and data analysis approaches or by incorporating polarimetry with high-contrast imaging to measure these effects.

Soumis à arXiv le 04 Avr. 2023

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