Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT for Translation: An Empirical Study

Auteurs : Yuan Gao, Ruili Wang, Feng Hou

Résumé : The recently released ChatGPT has demonstrated surprising abilities in natural language understanding and natural language generation. Machine translation is an important and extensively studied task in the field of natural language processing, which heavily relies on the abilities of language understanding and generation. Thus, in this paper, we explore how to assist machine translation with ChatGPT. We adopt several translation prompts on a wide range of translations. Our experimental results show that ChatGPT with designed translation prompts can achieve comparable or better performance over professional translation systems for high-resource language translations but lags behind significantly on low-resource translations. We further evaluate the translation quality using multiple references, and ChatGPT achieves superior performance compared to the professional systems. We also conduct experiments on domain-specific translations, the final results show that ChatGPT is able to comprehend the provided domain keyword and adjust accordingly to output proper translations. At last, we perform few-shot prompts that show consistent improvement across different base prompts. Our work provides empirical evidence that ChatGPT still has great potential in translations.

Soumis à arXiv le 05 Avr. 2023

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