Tracing and Visualizing Human-ML/AI Collaborative Processes through Artifacts of Data Work

Auteurs : Jennifer Rogers and, Anamaria Crisan

CHI 2023 Best Paper Honorable Mention
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) technology can lower barriers in data work yet still requires human intervention to be functional. However, the complex and collaborative process resulting from humans and machines trading off work makes it difficult to trace what was done, by whom (or what), and when. In this research, we construct a taxonomy of data work artifacts that captures AutoML and human processes. We present a rigorous methodology for its creation and discuss its transferability to the visual design process. We operationalize the taxonomy through the development of AutoMLTrace, a visual interactive sketch showing both the context and temporality of human-ML/AI collaboration in data work. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our approach via a usage scenario with an enterprise software development team. Collectively, our research process and findings explore challenges and fruitful avenues for developing data visualization tools that interrogate the sociotechnical relationships in automated data work.

Soumis à arXiv le 05 Avr. 2023

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