Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. X (Summary)

Auteurs : Andrei Tokovinin

arXiv: 2304.02706v1 - DOI (astro-ph.SR)
11 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by The Astronomical Journal
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Results of a large program of spectroscopic monitoring of nearby solar-type stellar hierarchical systems using the CHIRON echelle spectrograph at the 1.5 m telescope are summarized. Ten papers of this series contain 102 spectroscopic orbits and substantially contribute to the knowledge of periods and eccentricties, providing input for the study of their formation and early evolution. Radial velocities of additional 91 targets without CHIRON orbits (members of wide physical pairs) are published here. Our results are compared to the recent Gaia Non-Single Star (NSS) catalog, revealing its strengths and weaknesses. The NSS provides orbital periods for 31 objects of the CHIRON sample (about one third). Of the 22 spectroscopic NSS orbits in common, 14 are in good agreement with CHIRON, the rest have reduced velocity amplitudes or other problems. Hence ground-based monitoring gives, so far, a more accurate and complete picture of nearby hierarchies than Gaia. The distribution of inner periods in hierarchical systems is non-monotonic, showing a shallow minimum in the 30-100 days bin and a strong excess at shorter periods, compared to the smooth distribution of simple binaries in the field. The period-eccentricity diagram of inner subsystems updated by this survey, recent literature, and Gaia, displays an interesting structure.

Soumis à arXiv le 05 Avr. 2023

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