Retention Is All You Need

Auteurs : Karishma Mohiuddin, Mirza Ariful Alam, Mirza Mohtashim Alam, Pascal Welke, Michael Martin, Jens Lehmann, Sahar Vahdati

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Skilled employees are usually seen as the most important pillar of an organization. Despite this, most organizations face high attrition and turnover rates. While several machine learning models have been developed for analyzing attrition and its causal factors, the interpretations of those models remain opaque. In this paper, we propose the HR-DSS approach, which stands for Human Resource Decision Support System, and uses explainable AI for employee attrition problems. The system is designed to assist human resource departments in interpreting the predictions provided by machine learning models. In our experiments, eight machine learning models are employed to provide predictions, and the results achieved by the best-performing model are further processed by the SHAP explainability process. We optimize both the correctness and explanation of the results. Furthermore, using "What-if-analysis", we aim to observe plausible causes for attrition of an individual employee. The results show that by adjusting the specific dominant features of each individual, employee attrition can turn into employee retention through informative business decisions. Reducing attrition is not only a problem for any specific organization but also, in some countries, becomes a significant societal problem that impacts the well-being of both employers and employees.

Soumis à arXiv le 06 Avr. 2023

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