BotTriNet: A Unified and Efficient Embedding for Social Bots Detection via Metric Learning
Auteurs : Jun Wu, Xuesong Ye, Man Yan Yuet
Résumé : A persistently popular topic in online social networks is the rapid and accurate discovery of bot accounts to prevent their invasion and harassment of genuine users. We propose a unified embedding framework called BOTTRINET, which utilizes textual content posted by accounts for bot detection based on the assumption that contexts naturally reveal account personalities and habits. Content is abundant and valuable if the system efficiently extracts bot-related information using embedding techniques. Beyond the general embedding framework that generates word, sentence, and account embeddings, we design a triplet network to tune the raw embeddings (produced by traditional natural language processing techniques) for better classification performance. We evaluate detection accuracy and f1score on a real-world dataset CRESCI2017, comprising three bot account categories and five bot sample sets. Our system achieves the highest average accuracy of 98.34% and f1score of 97.99% on two content-intensive bot sets, outperforming previous work and becoming state-of-the-art. It also makes a breakthrough on four content-less bot sets, with an average accuracy improvement of 11.52% and an average f1score increase of 16.70%.
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