Construction of unbiased dental template and parametric dental model for precision digital dentistry

Auteurs : Lei Ma, Jingyang Zhang, Ke Deng, Peng Xue, Zhiming Cui, Yu Fang, Minhui Tang, Yue Zhao, Min Zhu, Zhongxiang Ding, Dinggang Shen

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Dental template and parametric dental models are important tools for various applications in digital dentistry. However, constructing an unbiased dental template and accurate parametric dental models remains a challenging task due to the complex anatomical and morphological dental structures and also low volume ratio of the teeth. In this study, we develop an unbiased dental template by constructing an accurate dental atlas from CBCT images with guidance of teeth segmentation. First, to address the challenges, we propose to enhance the CBCT images and their segmentation images, including image cropping, image masking and segmentation intensity reassigning. Then, we further use the segmentation images to perform co-registration with the CBCT images to generate an accurate dental atlas, from which an unbiased dental template can be generated. By leveraging the unbiased dental template, we construct parametric dental models by estimating point-to-point correspondences between the dental models and employing Principal Component Analysis to determine shape subspaces of the parametric dental models. A total of 159 CBCT images of real subjects are collected to perform the constructions. Experimental results demonstrate effectiveness of our proposed method in constructing unbiased dental template and parametric dental model. The developed dental template and parametric dental models are available at

Soumis à arXiv le 07 Avr. 2023

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