Instructional Strategies that Foster Effective Problem-Solving
Auteurs : Chandralekha Singh, Alexandru Maries, Kenneth Heller, Patricia Heller
Résumé : Helping students become proficient problem solvers is a major goal of many physics courses from introductory to advanced levels. In fact, physics has often been used by cognitive scientists to investigate the differences between the problem-solving strategies of expert and novice problem solvers because it is a domain in which there is reasonably good agreement about what constitutes good problem-solving. Since the laws of physics are encapsulated in compact mathematical form, becoming an expert physics problem solver entails learning to unpack and interpret those physical laws as well as being able to apply them in diverse situations while solving problems. A physics expert must have a well-organized knowledge structure of relevant physics and math concepts and be able to manage cognitive load and do metacognition while solving complex problems. In this chapter, we review foundational research on expertise in physics problem-solving and then discuss research on instructional strategies that promote effective problem-solving as well as challenges in changing the instructional practices of physics instructors and teaching assistants via professional development to promote and support effective problem-solving approaches.
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