Sub-meter resolution canopy height maps using self-supervised learning and a vision transformer trained on Aerial and GEDI Lidar

Auteurs : Jamie Tolan, Hung-I Yang, Ben Nosarzewski, Guillaume Couairon, Huy Vo, John Brandt, Justine Spore, Sayantan Majumdar, Daniel Haziza, Janaki Vamaraju, Theo Moutakanni, Piotr Bojanowski, Tracy Johns, Brian White, Tobias Tiecke, Camille Couprie

44 pages, 32 pages excluding appendix and references
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Vegetation structure mapping is critical for understanding the global carbon cycle and monitoring nature-based approaches to climate adaptation and mitigation. Repeat measurements of these data allow for the observation of deforestation or degradation of existing forests, natural forest regeneration, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices like agroforestry. Assessments of tree canopy height and crown projected area at a high spatial resolution are also important for monitoring carbon fluxes and assessing tree-based land uses, since forest structures can be highly spatially heterogeneous, especially in agroforestry systems. Very high resolution satellite imagery (less than one meter (1m) ground sample distance) makes it possible to extract information at the tree level while allowing monitoring at a very large scale. This paper presents the first high-resolution canopy height map concurrently produced for multiple sub-national jurisdictions. Specifically, we produce canopy height maps for the states of California and S\~{a}o Paolo, at sub-meter resolution, a significant improvement over the ten meter (10m) resolution of previous Sentinel / GEDI based worldwide maps of canopy height. The maps are generated by applying a vision transformer to features extracted from a self-supervised model in Maxar imagery from 2017 to 2020, and are trained against aerial lidar and GEDI observations. We evaluate the proposed maps with set-aside validation lidar data as well as by comparing with other remotely sensed maps and field-collected data, and find our model produces an average Mean Absolute Error (MAE) within set-aside validation areas of 3.0 meters.

Soumis à arXiv le 14 Avr. 2023

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