A Near-Infrared Faint, Far-Infrared-Luminous Dusty Galaxy at z~5 in COSMOS-Web

Auteurs : Jed McKinney, Sinclaire M. Manning, Olivia R. Cooper, Arianna S. Long, Hollis Akins, Caitlin M. Casey, Andreas L. Faisst, Maximilien Franco, Christopher C. Hayward, Erini Lambrides, Georgios Magdis, Katherine E. Whitaker, Min Yun, Jaclyn B. Champagne, Nicole E. Drakos, Fabrizio Gentile, Steven Gillman, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Olivier Ilbert, Shuowen Jin, Anton M. Koekemoer, Vasily Kokorev, Daizhong Liu, R. Michael Rich, Brant E. Robertson, Francesco Valentino, John R. Weaver, Jorge A. Zavala, Natalie Allen, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Henry Joy McCracken, Louise Paquereau, Jason Rhodes, Marko Shuntov, Sune Toft

arXiv: 2304.07316v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ

Résumé : A growing number of far-infrared bright sources completely invisible in deep extragalactic optical surveys hint at an elusive population of z>4 dusty, star-forming galaxies. Cycle 1 JWST surveys are now detecting their rest-frame optical light, which provides key insight into their stellar properties and statistical constraints on the population as a whole. This work presents the JWST/NIRCam counterpart from the COSMOS-Web survey to a far-infrared SCUBA-2 and ALMA source, AzTECC71, which was previously undetected at wavelengths shorter than 850 microns. AzTECC71, amongst the reddest galaxies in COSMOS-Web with F277W - F444W~0.9, is undetected in NIRCam/F150W and F115W and fainter in F444W than other sub-millimeter galaxies identified in COSMOS-Web by 2-4 magnitudes. This is consistent with the system having both a lower stellar mass and higher redshift than the median dusty, star-forming galaxy. With deep ground- and space-based upper limits combined with detections in F277W, F444W and the far-IR including ALMA Band 6, we find a high probability (99%) that AzTECC71 is at z>4 with z_phot=5.7(+0.8,-0.7). This galaxy is massive (logM*/Msun~10.7) and IR-luminous (logLIR/Lsun~12.7), comparable to other optically-undetected but far-IR bright dusty, star-forming galaxies at z>4. This population of luminous, infrared galaxies at z>4 is largely unconstrained but comprises an important bridge between the most extreme dust-obscured galaxies and more typical high-redshift star-forming galaxies. If further far-IR-selected galaxies that drop out of the F150W filter in COSMOS-Web have redshifts z>4 like AzTECC71, then the volume density of such sources may be ~3-10x greater than previously estimated.

Soumis à arXiv le 14 Avr. 2023

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