Understanding Developers Privacy Concerns Through Reddit Thread Analysis
Auteurs : Jonathan Parsons, Michael Schrider, Oyebanjo Ogunlela, Sepideh Ghanavati
Résumé : With the growing global emphasis on regulating the protection of personal information and increasing user expectation of the same, developing with privacy in mind is becoming ever more important. In this paper, we study the concerns, questions, and solutions developers discuss on Reddit forums to enhance our understanding of their perceptions and challenges while developing applications in the current privacy-focused world. We perform various forms of Natural Language Processing (NLP) on 437,317 threads from subreddits such as r/webdev, r/androiddev, and r/iOSProgramming to identify both common points of discussion and how these points change over time as new regulations are passed around the globe. Our results show that there are common trends in privacy topics among the different subreddits while the frequency of those topics differs between web and mobile applications.
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