Multi-User Matching and Resource Allocation in Vision Aided Communications

Auteurs : Weihua Xu, Feifei Gao, Yong Zhang, Chengkang Pan, Guangyi Liu

34 pages, 21 figures

Résumé : Visual perception is an effective way to obtain the spatial characteristics of wireless channels and to reduce the overhead for communications system. A critical problem for the visual assistance is that the communications system needs to match the radio signal with the visual information of the corresponding user, i.e., to identify the visual user that corresponds to the target radio signal from all the environmental objects. In this paper, we propose a user matching method for environment with a variable number of objects. Specifically, we apply 3D detection to extract all the environmental objects from the images taken by multiple cameras. Then, we design a deep neural network (DNN) to estimate the location distribution of users by the images and beam pairs at multiple moments, and thereby identify the users from all the extracted environmental objects. Moreover, we present a resource allocation method based on the taken images to reduce the time and spectrum overhead compared to traditional resource allocation methods. Simulation results show that the proposed user matching method outperforms the existing methods, and the proposed resource allocation method can achieve $92\%$ transmission rate of the traditional resource allocation method but with the time and spectrum overhead significantly reduced.

Soumis à arXiv le 18 Avr. 2023

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