Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Mediapipe Holistic

Auteurs : Dr. Velmathi G, Kaushal Goyal

16 pages, 22 figures

Résumé : Deaf individuals confront significant communication obstacles on a daily basis. Their inability to hear makes it difficult for them to communicate with those who do not understand sign language. Moreover, it presents difficulties in educational, occupational, and social contexts. By providing alternative communication channels, technology can play a crucial role in overcoming these obstacles. One such technology that can facilitate communication between deaf and hearing individuals is sign language recognition. We will create a robust system for sign language recognition in order to convert Indian Sign Language to text or speech. We will evaluate the proposed system and compare CNN and LSTM models. Since there are both static and gesture sign languages, a robust model is required to distinguish between them. In this study, we discovered that a CNN model captures letters and characters for recognition of static sign language better than an LSTM model, but it outperforms CNN by monitoring hands, faces, and pose in gesture sign language phrases and sentences. The creation of a text-to-sign language paradigm is essential since it will enhance the sign language-dependent deaf and hard-of-hearing population's communication skills. Even though the sign-to-text translation is just one side of communication, not all deaf or hard-of-hearing people are proficient in reading or writing text. Some may have difficulty comprehending written language due to educational or literacy issues. Therefore, a text-to-sign language paradigm would allow them to comprehend text-based information and participate in a variety of social, educational, and professional settings. Keywords: deaf and hard-of-hearing, DHH, Indian sign language, CNN, LSTM, static and gesture sign languages, text-to-sign language model, MediaPipe Holistic, sign language recognition, SLR, SLT

Soumis à arXiv le 20 Avr. 2023

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