Development of IoT Smart Greenhouse System for Hydroponic Gardens

Auteurs : Arcel Christian H. Austria, John Simon Fabros, Kurt Russel G. Sumilang, Jocelyn Bernardino, Anabella C. Doctor

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research (ISSN print: 2546-0552; ISSN online: 2546-115X) Vol. 7, pp. 2111-2136, 2023
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : This study focused on the development of a smart greenhouse system for hydroponic gardens with the adaptation of the Internet of Things and monitored through mobile as one of the solutions towards the negative effects of the worlds booming population, never ending - shrinking of arable lands, and the effect of climate change drastically in our environments. To achieve the goal of the study, the researchers created an actual hydroponic greenhouse system with completely developing plants, and automation in examining and monitoring the water pH level, light, water, and greenhouse temperature, as well as humidity which is linked to ThingSpeak. The developed SMART Greenhouse monitoring system was tested and evaluated to confirm its reliability, functions, and usability under ISO 9126 evaluation criteria. The respondents who include casual plant owners and experts in hydroponic gardening able to test and evaluate the prototype, and the mobile application to monitor the parameters with the results of 7.77 for pH level, 83 for light, 27.94 deg C for water temperature, 27 deg C for greenhouse temperature, and 75% for humidity with a descriptive result in both software and hardware as Very Good with a mean average of 4.06 which means that the developed technology is useful and recommended. The SMART Greenhouse System for Hydroponic Garden is used as an alternative tool, solution, and innovation technique towards food shortages due to climate change, land shortages, and low farming environments. The proponents highly suggest the use of solar energy for the pump power, prototype wiring should be improved, the usage of a high-end model of Arduino to address more sensors and devices for a larger arsenal of data collected, enclosures of the device to ensure safety, and mobile application updates such as bug fixes and have an e-manual of the whole systems.

Soumis à arXiv le 02 Mai. 2023

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