Provably stable numerical method for the anisotropic diffusion equation in toroidally confined magnetic fields

Auteurs : Dean Muir, Kenneth Duru, Matthew Hole, Stuart Hudson

33 pages, 8 figures
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : We present a novel numerical method for solving the anisotropic diffusion equation in toroidally confined magnetic fields which is efficient, accurate and provably stable. The continuous problem is written in terms of a derivative operator for the perpendicular transport and a linear operator, obtained through field line tracing, for the parallel transport. We derive energy estimates of the solution of the continuous initial boundary value problem. A discrete formulation is presented using operator splitting in time with the summation by parts finite difference approximation of spatial derivatives for the perpendicular diffusion operator. Weak penalty procedures are derived for implementing both boundary conditions and parallel diffusion operator obtained by field line tracing. We prove that the fully-discrete approximation is unconditionally stable and asymptotic preserving. Discrete energy estimates are shown to match the continuous energy estimate given the correct choice of penalty parameters. Convergence tests are shown for the perpendicular operator by itself, and the ``NIMROD benchmark" problem is used as a manufactured solution to show the full scheme converges even in the case where the perpendicular diffusion is zero. Finally, we present a magnetic field with chaotic regions and islands and show the contours of the anisotropic diffusion equation reproduce key features in the field.

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Jui. 2023

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