Range Anxiety Among Battery Electric Vehicle Users: Both Distance and Waiting Time Matter
Auteurs : Jiyao Wang, Chunxi Huang, Dengbo He, Ran Tu
Résumé : Range anxiety is a major concern of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) users or potential users. Previous work has explored the influential factors of distance-related range anxiety. However, time-related range anxiety has rarely been explored. The time cost when charging or waiting to charge the BEVs can negatively impact BEV users' experience. As a preliminary attempt, this survey study investigated time-related anxiety by observing BEV users' charging decisions in scenarios when both battery level and time cost are of concern. We collected and analyzed responses from 217 BEV users in mainland China. The results revealed that time-related anxiety exists and could affect users' charging decisions. Further, users' charging decisions can be a result of the trade-off between distance-related and time-related anxiety, and can be moderated by several external factors (e.g., regions and individual differences). The findings can support the optimization of charge station distribution and EV charge recommendation algorithms.
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