Automatic and Accurate Classification of Hotel Bathrooms from Images with Deep Learning

Auteurs : Hakan Temiz

International Journal of Engineering Research and Development , Special Issue 2022 , 211-218

Résumé : Hotel bathrooms are one of the most important places in terms of customer satisfaction, and where the most complaints are reported. To share their experiences, guests rate hotels, comment, and share images of their positive or negative ratings. An important part of the room images shared by guests is related to bathrooms. Guests tend to prove their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the bathrooms with images in their comments. These Positive or negative comments and visuals potentially affect the prospective guests. In this study, two different versions of a deep learning algorithm were designed to classify hotel bathrooms as satisfactory (good) or unsatisfactory (bad, when any defects such as dirtiness, deficiencies, malfunctions were present) by analyzing images. The best-performer between the two models was determined as a result of a series of extensive experimental studies. The models were trained for each of 144 combinations of 5 hyper-parameter sets with a data set containing more than 11 thousand bathroom images, specially created for this study. The "HotelBath" data set was shared also with the community with this study. Four different image sizes were taken into consideration: 128, 256, 512 and 1024 pixels in both directions. The classification performances of the models were measured with several metrics. Both algorithms showed very attractive performances even with many combinations of hyper-parameters. They can classify bathroom images with very high accuracy. Suh that the top algorithm achieved an accuracy of 92.4% and an AUC (area under the curve) score of 0.967. In addition, other metrics also proved the success...

Soumis à arXiv le 13 Jui. 2023

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