Improving the Security of Smartwatch Payment with Deep Learning
Auteurs : George Webber
Résumé : Making contactless payments using a smartwatch is increasingly popular, but this payment medium lacks traditional biometric security measures such as facial or fingerprint recognition. In 2022, Sturgess et al. proposed WatchAuth, a system for authenticating smartwatch payments using the physical gesture of reaching towards a payment terminal. While effective, the system requires the user to undergo a burdensome enrolment period to achieve acceptable error levels. In this dissertation, we explore whether applications of deep learning can reduce the number of gestures a user must provide to enrol into an authentication system for smartwatch payment. We firstly construct a deep-learned authentication system that outperforms the current state-of-the-art, including in a scenario where the target user has provided a limited number of gestures. We then develop a regularised autoencoder model for generating synthetic user-specific gestures. We show that using these gestures in training improves classification ability for an authentication system. Through this technique we can reduce the number of gestures required to enrol a user into a WatchAuth-like system without negatively impacting its error rates.
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