Unveiling Gender Bias in Terms of Profession Across LLMs: Analyzing and Addressing Sociological Implications

Auteurs : Vishesh Thakur

Licence : CC ZERO 1.0

Résumé : Gender bias in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing has garnered significant attention due to its potential impact on societal perceptions and biases. This research paper aims to analyze gender bias in Large Language Models (LLMs) with a focus on multiple comparisons between GPT-2 and GPT-3.5, some prominent language models, to better understand its implications. Through a comprehensive literature review, the study examines existing research on gender bias in AI language models and identifies gaps in the current knowledge. The methodology involves collecting and preprocessing data from GPT-2 and GPT-3.5, and employing in-depth quantitative analysis techniques to evaluate gender bias in the generated text. The findings shed light on gendered word associations, language usage, and biased narratives present in the outputs of these Large Language Models. The discussion explores the ethical implications of gender bias and its potential consequences on social perceptions and marginalized communities. Additionally, the paper presents strategies for reducing gender bias in LLMs, including algorithmic approaches and data augmentation techniques. The research highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations and the role of sociological studies in mitigating gender bias in AI models. By addressing these issues, we can pave the way for more inclusive and unbiased AI systems that have a positive impact on society.

Soumis à arXiv le 18 Jul. 2023

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