Augmenting CLIP with Improved Visio-Linguistic Reasoning

Auteurs : Samyadeep Basu, Maziar Sanjabi, Daniela Massiceti, Shell Xu Hu, Soheil Feizi

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Image-text contrastive models such as CLIP are useful for a variety of downstream applications including zero-shot classification, image-text retrieval and transfer learning. However, these contrastively trained vision-language models often fail on compositional visio-linguistic tasks such as Winoground with performance equivalent to random chance. In our paper, we address this issue and propose a sample-efficient light-weight method called SDS-CLIP to improve the compositional visio-linguistic reasoning capabilities of CLIP. The core idea of our method is to use differentiable image parameterizations to fine-tune CLIP with a distillation objective from large text-to-image generative models such as Stable-Diffusion which are relatively good at visio-linguistic reasoning tasks. On the challenging Winoground compositional reasoning benchmark, our method improves the absolute visio-linguistic performance of different CLIP models by up to 7%, while on the ARO dataset, our method improves the visio-linguistic performance by upto 3%. As a byproduct of inducing visio-linguistic reasoning into CLIP, we also find that the zero-shot performance improves marginally on a variety of downstream datasets. Our method reinforces that carefully designed distillation objectives from generative models can be leveraged to extend existing contrastive image-text models with improved visio-linguistic reasoning capabilities.

Soumis à arXiv le 18 Jul. 2023

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