G189.6+03.3: the first complete X-ray view provided by SRG/eROSITA
Auteurs : Francesco Camilloni, Werner Becker
Résumé : Context. G189.6+03.3 and IC443 are two examples of supernova remnants located in a region rich of gas and dust, spatially close to the HII region S249. So far, the actual shape of IC443 is believed to be given by the past action of multiple supernova explosions, while a third unrelated might have originated G189.6+03.3. Aims. If the IC443 nebula has been extensively observed in several bands, in opposite there is an almost complete lack of observations on the nearby and much weaker supernova remnant G189.6+03.3, discovered in 1994 with ROSAT. Given the relatively large extent of this second remnant, the new dataset provided by the X-ray telescope eROSITA onboard the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) mission gives a unique opportunity to characterize it more in depth. Methods. We provide a full spectral characterization of G189.6+03.3 emission for the first time, together with new images covering the whole remnant. Since one of the leading hypothesis is that its emission partially overlaps with the emission of IC443, we test this scenario dividing the remnant in several regions from which we extracted the spectra. Results. The new X-ray images provided by eROSITA show an elongated structure. Together with the detection of supersolar abundances of O, Mg, Ne and Si and subsolar abundance of Fe, these features could be an indication of a faint supernova explosion. The X-ray spectra also highlight the presence of a 0.7 keV plasma component across all the regions together with a column density almost uniform. Conclusions. The ubiquitous presence of the 0.7 keV plasma component is a strong indication for G189.6+03.3 overlapping completely with IC443. We propose the progenitors of G189.6+03.3 and IC443 could have been hosted in a binary or multiple system, originating two explosions at different times in different positions.
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