Efficient Vision Transformer for Accurate Traffic Sign Detection

Auteurs : Javad Mirzapour Kaleybar, Hooman Khaloo, Avaz Naghipour

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : This research paper addresses the challenges associated with traffic sign detection in self-driving vehicles and driver assistance systems. The development of reliable and highly accurate algorithms is crucial for the widespread adoption of traffic sign recognition and detection (TSRD) in diverse real-life scenarios. However, this task is complicated by suboptimal traffic images affected by factors such as camera movement, adverse weather conditions, and inadequate lighting. This study specifically focuses on traffic sign detection methods and introduces the application of the Transformer model, particularly the Vision Transformer variants, to tackle this task. The Transformer's attention mechanism, originally designed for natural language processing, offers improved parallel efficiency. Vision Transformers have demonstrated success in various domains, including autonomous driving, object detection, healthcare, and defense-related applications. To enhance the efficiency of the Transformer model, the research proposes a novel strategy that integrates a locality inductive bias and a transformer module. This includes the introduction of the Efficient Convolution Block and the Local Transformer Block, which effectively capture short-term and long-term dependency information, thereby improving both detection speed and accuracy. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the significant advancements achieved by this approach, particularly when applied to the GTSDB dataset.

Soumis à arXiv le 02 Nov. 2023

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